Woman jailed for threatening to bomb police station and kill officers

Jeanette Jennifer Griffiths rang the control room and told them a bomb at Mold police station would ‘go off in five minutes’

Jeanette Griffiths was jailed for threatening to bomb Mold police station

Jeanette Griffiths was jailed for threatening to bomb Mold police station

A woman who claimed to have planted a bomb at a police station and threatened to kill any officers who came to her home has been jailed.

Jeanette Jennifer Griffiiths rang North Wales Police and said the device at the Mold station would “go off in five minutes”.

When armed officers turned up at her house she was still on the phone to the control room.

The police station had to be evacuated after her hoax call , which had to be taken seriously as a threat.

Mold crown court heard today that Griffiths had a history of drinking too much and taking drugs.

She had phoned the police following an argument with someone, and her defence team claimed she needed help.

But Judge Rhys Rowlands pointed out that at no point had she actually asked the police for help, and that she already had a community care package in place.

She also had form for making false communications, the court heard.

Judge Rowlands said: “In my judgement on this particular afternoon you had an argument, you were not happy with your boyfriend, you lost your temper and for some reason you took it out on the police.”

He said he “did not accept for one minute” that she had not realised that what she was doing was seriously wrong and would have caused a lot of anxiety and inconvenience on the part of the police.

It involved the evacuation of a large police station and the deployment of armed police officers to address the perceived threat.

Mold police station evacuated after bomb hoax woman said device would ‘go off in five minutes’

Woman jailed for Mold hoax bomb threat at council offices

“This is a very serious offence.

“It has to be made plain to anyone temped to behave in such an irresponsible and dangerous way that a prison sentence is quite inevitable,” he said.

When armed police turned up at her home in New Street, Mold, she said she was sorry, and when interviewed claimed that she was down and needed help.

Her defence barrister said she’d rung the police because she didn’t know who else to turn to, and argued for a hospital order to be made given her borderline personality disorder and other psychiatric problems.

John Hedgecoe said Griffiths, 38, had not appreciated that she would have ended up in custody, where she had initially been bullied.

He said that she needed to get her life back of track as soon as possible.

“Quite frankly, locking her away in Styal Prison for a few more months is not going to solve any of her problems whatsoever,” he said.

Griffiths was jailed for eight months for the January 9 hoax.

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